Logo/ CI für ein Coachingunternehmen
Wettbewerbs Details:
Gold Paket
- Wettbewerb von: HMO1978
- Kategorie: Logo & Corp. Design
- Total budget: € 449.00
- Startdatum : 04-06-2013 15:30
- Enddatum : 04-07-2013 15:28
- Status : Beendet
- Geforderte Formate: jpg,ai,pdf
- Relevante Dateien: Keine
Verfügbare Sprachen:
- Anzahl der Designs: 150
Rückmeldung des Auftraggebers:
niedrig hoch
Der Name des Unternehmens ist "aimagine".
Fokus des Coachings ist auf Persönlichkeitserforschung und -entwicklung. Das Ziel soll sein, dem Coachee zu befähigen, sich mit seinen Werten, Präferenzen, etc. zu akzeptieren und damit SEIN Leben verwirklich zu können.
UPDATE: Daher auch der Name - stell Dir vor, wie Dein Leben sein könnte, wenn Du Deine Ziele leben kannst. Wäre toll, wenn diese Idee beim Logo/CI mitberücksichtigt wird.
Das Logo/ CI soll schlicht sein, klare Linien und Strukturen haben. Wenn möglich, sollten auch drei ergänzende Worte integriert werden: "Selbsterfahrung - Selbstbestimmung - Selbstverwirklung". Die englische Variante dazu: "self-recognition - self-determination - self-realisation". Idealerweise kann ich je nach Coachee die deutsche/ englische Variante wählen; alternativ müssten zwei Versionen (deutsch/ englisch) erstellt werden.
Neu gegründetes Coachingunternehmen mit Fokus auf Persönlichkeitsentwicklung mit Hilfe von strukturierten Persönlichkeitsanalysen
Individuen/ Teams
Business & Personal Coaching
Farben, Logo-Favoriten und weitere Anforderungen
Gerne kreativ, aber nicht zu "schnörkelig"
Bei dem Konzept geht es darum, die Essenz zu erkennen, wer man ist - dementsprechend sollte auch Logo/ CI etwas stabile/ zukunftsweisende ausdrücken
Nicht zu grelle Farben; eher Farben, die Wärme/ Nähe symbolisieren
HMO1978 sagt :
Nice job :-)
visiwerk sagt
Oh ty :P
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Beschreibung des Designers visiwerk:
Hi Heike,
here are some changes, with an alternative subtitle just to give you an impression.
Greetings Chris
HMO1978 sagt :
Good morning Chris - WONDERFUL! I was thinking about your comments and I even think that it can go without any further subtitles - just letting the logo and the name speak. I like very much the merge of the logo with the name (thus the left option)!
Thanks very much - looks really great,
Heike -
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Beschreibung des Designers visiwerk:
Dear Heike, thank you for the constructive feedback :). But why do you have to digest it, i think it isnt´t that bad ;)
Sooo here is another version of the CI with a strong and guiding blue. Just added and changed few things.
Please be gentle by rating the positioning and so on it isnt´t final yet. Just for previewing you the overall concept.
So hope you like it. If you want to see another color look out for any color code, like (#1051BD), in this composition and give it so me, so i change it again.
Ty Chris
Ps. Meanwhile, the coffee is cold , sorry for that :D -
HMO1978 sagt :
Hi Ty,
Wonderful - not only the new color scheme but also your quick response!
Really like it - has something of the sky but with much more intensity!!!
Well done.
Enjoy the evening,
Heike -
visiwerk sagt
Ty i´ll upload a detailed version in the next days.
Good Time
Chris -
HMO1978 sagt :
Hi Chris,
Just looking over the proposal with a good friend - we really like it. As a question to you: can we increase the focus of the human a bit? Still with clouds etc but that also on the large poster the human is still recognizable?
What do you think?
Thanks in advance,
Heike -
visiwerk sagt
Hi Heike,
ty for the praise. I guess there are two possibilities the get more focus on the humnan-factor. One: to Center the Human, but then we have to get a new position for the name "aimagne". Second: To resize some elements.
But I don´t think that we get in trouble perceiving the elements on large scale :) But of course we can play around with it.
During the design process i often get in trouble by positioning the subtitle of the logo (self-recognition - self-determination - self-realisation). My advice from the "Designers" point of view you should shorten it and get the essence in one short statement, like "reconsider you" "reconsider yourself" "rethink yourself" or something like that. Just guessing :)
What do you think?
Greetings Chris ;)
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Beschreibung des Designers visiwerk:
Hello, just to get an idea of the CI.
It isn´t finished yet, but some feedback would help me to get closer to what you a"imageine" :)
Hope you like it so far.
Ty -
HMO1978 sagt :
Hi Ty,
I like the design at lot - a nice way in displaying what the the purpose of the coaching is! Well done! I'm just not as sure re the colour - could you play a bit with this?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Heike -
HMO1978 sagt :
Sorry, as another thought/ input: i had a look on the previous colour codes - I prefer rather strong colours (because of readibility) but am not sure whether the magenta is a bit too aggressive?! as said, I'm still digesting :-)
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Beschreibung des Designers visiwerk:
Bildersprache mit viel Wert auf Typografie.
Feedback gewünscht :) -
HMO1978 sagt :
Wonderful - very imaginative and not only pointing out to the obvious but also the state where the coachee/ the client should end up to - a world where he/ she can dream and live his/ her life.
Well done!
As an idee: Could we get this end state even clearer?! ;-) -
visiwerk sagt
Oh ty very much, that is what i hoped for :)
So the idea is understood :)
Of course we can work on the final CI as you wish. Just tell me what color do you prefer..so I can go for it.
bye -
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